Monday, July 14, 2008


The driving force for choosing buildings to look at for this project will be the extent to which the buildings, as they exist now, reflect the progression of Otto Wagner's search for a modern language for his architecture.

Drawings and photographs will be the main method of communicating the architect's progress as far as his use of space, creative use of new structural systems, the use and resolution of different materials, and the expression of "style" as an a-historic, quasi-symbolic language to express the needs of modern man.

The analysis of the built work would best be achieved graphically and at a variety of scales, for example: 2-d and axonometric representation of the building and interior spaces, photographs and drawings of detail elements and materials, and multiple drawings of the structural systems. Comparison to some classical works might even be appropriate, as his classical training is discernible in the proportioning and spatial grids he used, even in his later buildings.

Wagnerian theory must also be integrated into the final presentation. The analysis of his theory could be presented in a short written essay, perhaps introducing the project or even to accompany each work. Beyond that, notes on the graphic pages could help communicate how his theory affected his design, although these would be kept to a minimum.

The final product will be a series of related and comparative graphic pages, composed of text, photographs and drawings, showing a progression from early Wagnerian architecture, which still fell under some of the rules of historicism, to his later work, which reflected his very distinctive response to the needs of urban living at the time and also represented the spirit of the city.

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